Amy Suto
Hello! 👋 I’m Amy Suto, a published author and freelance memoir ghostwriter. Subscribe to my newsletter & writing job board here!
Working Remotely in Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy is a must-visit for those who love fashion and design! Here’s everything we loved about working remotely in Milan for two weeks.
Freelancing 101: How to Get Started as a Freelance Writer
Want to make money as a freelance writer? Here’s my beginner’s guide to getting started on freelance platforms like Upwork and launch your writing career!
Working Remotely in Rome, Italy
Want to work remotely in Rome, Italy? Here are our top tips for where to go and what to see! From our favorite vegan and non-vegan restaurants to suggestions on things to do, I’ve got the best itinerary suggestions for you on your travels as a digital nomad :)
Course: How to Make $100,000+ on Upwork
Want to make $100,000+ on Upwork? My new course can help you learn the tips, tricks, and nuances for how to succeed as a freelance writer on Upwork.
Working Remotely in Naples, Italy & the Amalfi Coast
We worked remotely in Naples and the Amalfi Coast — here are my top tips for getting the most out of the great pizza and gorgeous coastline cities! If you’re a digital nomad or a traveler, I got you covered.
Working Remotely in Budapest, Hungary
Working remotely in Budapest is quite a trip — here’s all my recommendations from the baths to best places to eat and hang out for digital nomads!
Why Great Writing is Good for Business
Great writing grows businesses and changes careers. That’s why some of the most successful people invest heavily in blogs, books, email newsletters, and social media feeds. They don’t underestimate how great writing can transform their life and careers and open doors they never knew existed.
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling as a Digital Nomad
The ever-changing COVID travel requirements aside, here are my top 4 tips to stay healthy while traveling as a digital nomad!
Working Remotely in Prague, Czech Republic
We loved working remotely in Prague. Here are our favorite places to eat and tips as digital nomads!
Hollywood is Dead: the Rise of the Creator Economy
Hollywood is dead. But that’s a good thing! Welcome to the Creator Economy. In this post I’ll share with you how to make money traveling the world and making your art.
Working Remotely in New York City
We spent nine days in NYC before starting our Europe trip (I’m writing this from Prague right now!) and it was an action-packed week and a half. Here are some of our favorite spots and travel tips for anyone working remotely as a digital nomad.
3 Ways to Lead a Holistic Creative Life
What does it mean to live a holistic life as a creative? As writers, what can we do to heal and live better, happier lives? Here are some of the habits, books, and recommendations I have for you!
Working Remotely in Peshastin & Leavenworth, Washington
Our remote work quarantine roadtrip 2021 continued as we moved from Galena, IL to Peshastin, WA where we spent another full month — and what an insanely beautiful month it was. Here’s some of our favorite places to eat, hang out, and work!
Welcome to the Future
It’s about time this blog got a facelift. Here’s some updates about these kickin’ new digs and what I’m up to nowadays!
How to Write a Memoir: Be a Detective in Your Own Life
I've written in the past about my overall process for writing memoirs: as a memoir ghostwriter, I do this for a living and love diving into people's stories with them.
3 Tips for Working Remotely as a Freelancer On a Budget
Working remotely has been a huge "secret" to my success, I suppose: I'm happier than I'd ever be if I was stuck in a cubicle with mandated lunch breaks, and being able to experience some lovely places in the US has helped to inspire me in everything I do.