Trailers and Time Management


The past 8 months have been filled with the creation of this television miniseries, which is airing September 10th on Trojan Vision 8.1. and on YouTube. If you want to know more about the series, you can read interviews on our channel so I don't sound like a broken record every time I blog about this series. Anyways, I'm incredibly proud of how the trailer came out, and can't wait to share the series! It was a challenge to get the show made and on the air, and every hurdle was worth it.

Secrets to Time Management

My schedule on any given week is a pretty good visual representation of a high-pitched scream: filled with meetings and mandatory events and classes and work. My to-do list isn't a list, more of a set of grids organized by category and day of the week and urgency.So on the occasion where I'm asked how I find the time to do X or Y, the answer is that I know how to prioritize. This entanglement of commitments can be brushed aside for the right task or person.

Prioritizing can be challenging because no one wants to sacrifice on one aspect of their life. But if you can't figure out what you're willing to set aside for something else, everything on your plate will suffer.

Here's how I divide my priorities:

This semester, I'm focusing first and foremost on my career. Since I'm graduating, I'm looking for representation and trying to set up and envision what's next after I don a Harry Potter robe and get a really expensive piece of paper. This means I'll skip class if I have an important meeting, I'll stay up all night to polish a script if someone requests to read it, and I'll drop everything and go to Miami for networking. (OK, there are other perks to going to Miami, sure.)

Academics come second. Yeah, I know this should be first probably but since academics are supposed to lead to a career I feel justified in this placement. My thesis is by far the most important class, and while I'll be putting a lot of time and energy into the scripts I'll be writing for this, I may not be spending as much time on essays for my Science of Happiness class.

Wellness comes third. Sleep is pretty great... but that's what winter break is for. While yes, I don't recommend all-nighters, sometimes they can't be avoided. Sometimes there comes a point where you need to set down your work and just sleep -- but I'm a workaholic and nightowl so that's not always the case.I prioritize everything else on a case-by-case basis. I care about my friends and will drop everything to help them if they need me, and as an RA I'm also always on call for my residents to stop by and tell me what they're going through. So no, this isn't a perfect science and there are still days where I find myself behind on important things but still letting it all go and going to watch the meteor shower with someone I care about in the middle of the night.

The only secret to time management is this: spend time doing what will make you happy now and in the long run.

Here's to a new semester and new projects.

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