Months 3-6: Growing My Substack to $96,000/Year

how to grow your substack

If I’ve been a little quiet here on my blog, it’s because I’ve been writing away over at ✍️ From the Desk of Amy Suto, my Substack publication! Subscribe if you want 2x weekly posts delivered straight to your inbox about writing, entrepreneurship, and the writer’s life.

I wanted to share all of my recent updates on months 3-6 of my Substack journey, which I post on my YouTube channel.


In the last six months I went from $0-$3,000 of annual recurring revenue (ARR), and I’ve built a really cool community of lovely writers who care about building sustainable lives and thriving businesses as authors, freelancers, or Substack writers (or a little bit of everything!)


I’ve also had a lot of kind people reach out and say that I was their inspiration for starting a Substack, which has been really meaningful.

Check out all the videos below:

Month 3: Rebranding My Substack Newsletter


Month 4: Starting to See Early Success of My Rebrand


Month 5: Slowly Growing Into My New Brand


Month 6: Building Momentum for My Substack Newsletter


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