Antidote 15: Web Festivals, TV Interviews, & More
The cast and crew on the red carpet for Hollyweb Festival! Avi Kaye (director), Conner Sorensen (Benji), Amy Suto (showrunner), Portia Juliette (Sarah), Ashley Maimes (Anita), and Irina Kuzina (producer) Photocredit: Snobby Robot Magazine
The past seven days have been a whirlwind of press and exciting events to celebrate Antidote 15's season two and all the amazing people who are the lifeblood of the show.
On Friday, Antidote 15 screened in the Charlie Chaplin theater at Raleigh Studios, and I was able to talk on a panel about the inspiration for the show, and why ex-boyfriends, deadlines, and drinking things you're not supposed to be are common college struggles.
The panel with me on the far right trying to think of something articulate to say about the show
On Sunday, we walked the red carpet and were interviewed by a few press outlets before the awards ceremony at Avalon Hollywood.
This past week, I was lucky enough to be interviewed by Faith Miller on ATVN news about Antidote 15 and our time at the Hollyweb Festival!
When I started this over a year ago, I never would have expected that we would have all come this far. With each episode, we grew as a team and I owe everything to my tireless producers, directors, cast, crew, and everyone else who helped out on the project.
Now time to get back to work :)